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All About Ocean- For Kids

An ocean is an enormous body of salt water. The oceans are spread on more than 70 % of Earth's surface. The water is contained in the oceans is about 98 percent of all the water on Earth. Only 2 percent of water is found in well pond rivers etc.

There are five oceans in the world.
1.The Pacific,
2.The Atlantic,
3.The Indian,
4.The Arctic, and
5.The Southern, or Antarctic.

When you see the map of the world, you would not find any genuine boundary to limit the oceans because there is only one vast ocean. We (human beings) have divided it into five for our convenience. We have named the different regions of the ocean by various names.

In addition to the fact that the oceans provide a home for a large number of plants and creatures, however, they likewise help in regulating the world's climate and temperature. The oceans keep the earth hotter in the winter and cooler in the late spring.

The 5 Oceans by Size
Pacific (168,723,000 sq km)
Atlantic (85,133,000 sq km)
Indian (70,560,000 sq km)
Southern (21,960,000 sq km)
Arctic (15,558,000 sq km)

In places, the Pacific ocean is very deep. At Marina Trench, it is found 35,827 ft deep. Which is incredible.

Ocean life
The ocean is the house of about one million species of animals. Most of them are invertebrates. They are without the backbone. Some of the ocean animals are so small that cannot be seen with naked eyes. They are the microscopic sea animals. Small fishes like bristlemouth and big fishes like white sharks are also found in the sea. The oceans are really big. From the smallest animals like zooplankton to the biggest animal-like blue whales are found in the oceans.

The sea overflows with vegetation. Most are little green growth called phytoplankton. They produce most of the oxygen for marine animals. Big algae for instance seaweed provide food and shelter for sea animals.

Why should we care about the ocean?
The ocean produces over half of the world's oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide largely.
It is one of the cheapest and very effective ways of transportation.
Oceans help in regulating the world's climate and temperature.
We get a lot of seafood from the ocean.
The medicine of cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease is prepared from sea plants and animals.

A loving, caring and nurturing after-school - Children's Park in Rockwall Texas.


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