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Must-Try Things When Your Kid Starts Reading

A young kid usually at the age of 4 to 5 starts reading. Sometimes it becomes too difficult to read and connect with the words. Of-course the school and teacher do their best efforts. But at home, you also need to put all your efforts for the best outcome. Sometimes we make mistake, not understanding the IQ level of our kids. So the simple books from the school must be best designed best for your kids. Let your kids read and understand first. Here a few very simple ideas about how to help your kid in improving reading skill. 

1. Read together every day
If you read along with your child regularly, it will help your child to improve diction and pronunciation of the words very quickly. Some books are really hard to read. The child needs companionship. You can be the partner, a competitor and teacher at the same time.

2. Allow some reading alone time
Try to read alone quietly. Let your child also read this way. It will save energy. The child will concentrate on reading and will understand the meaning behind the words.

3. Let Your Child Be Curious About The Book
Let start the conversation about the description and pictures published on the conversation. What the book is all about. A curious mind will be more focused while reading.

4. Voice Modulation While Reading
Different character sounds different. Express punctuation marks (full stop) (.)comma (,) question mark (?) exclamation mark (!) etc., while reading. If the book is serving information. The voice should be stern.

5. Ask Questions and Let the Kid ask
The more you ask to question, the more will be the understanding of the subjects. The next step after reading is understanding. Give some time to get the best answer. After reading and asking questions to ask for any further queries from your child's end.

6. Try to Explain Things Written on the book briefly in your own words
Try to explain the moral value after finishing the book, discussion and question & answer. Reading stories is not enough, what you have learned from the story does make a sense. 

7. Listen Carefully What Your Child Reads 
It sounds easy but many of us don't pay attention when a child reads. When your child learns to read independently. Let him read the way he reads, even if he sounds bad. If you disturb them by correcting the mistake, subsequently the child may start losing the interest.

Be patient and be impressed.
No one can better understand your child than you. Because you have to play multiple roles for your child. This article can only provide you with some basic information on what to do when your child begins to read. This information you already know but never realized them. May be some things don't work you can try something new from on your own.

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